SerialPorts (Script v2)

Serial port communication is supported via the RS-232 ports on some Q-SYS devices. To access serial communications, Serial Inputs must be enabled (not 0) in the Control Script's Properties. The Q-SYS device’s Serial Port component is then dragged into the design’s schematic and wired to the Control Script. In the script itself, there is no 'New' SerialPort method because SerialPort objects are automatically created for you whenever a Q-SYS device's serial port Inventory component is wired into the ControlScript block.

NOTE:  Serial functionality is only available when deployed to a Q-SYS Core and is not available via emulation like many other Q-SYS Lua extensions.

SerialPorts Properties





Signature of function is 'function( port, event )'

Function called on any serial event. See definition of 'event' in the table below.



Returns true if port is connected



Number of bytes of data in buffer

SerialPorts Methods





( baudRate [,dataBits] [, parity] )

Attempts to open the serial port with the specified baud rate (up to 230400 bits per second)

dataBits - optional: 7, 8. Default = 8.

parity - optional with dataBits: N (None), E (Even), O (Odd), M (Mark), S (Space)



Closes the serial port


( data )

Writes specified data to the serial port. Raises error if port is not open.


( length )

Attempts to read up the 'length' bytes from serial buffer. Data is removed from serial buffer.


( EOL, <custom> )

Attempts to read a 'line' from the serial buffer. 'EOL' is defined in the table below. '<custom>' is an optional string only used by EOL.Custom.


( string, [start_pos] )

Searches the serial buffer for string 'str' (starting at integer 'start_pos') and returns the index of where 'str' is found. 'start_pos' defaults to 1.

SerialPorts.Events Table




The port is now open


The Core is attempting to reconnect to the port


There is new data in the serial buffer


The port was closed due to an error. The second argument (msg) to the EventHandler will have more information, which can be printed to catch the error message.


The socket was closed due to error. The error argument to the EventHandler will have more information, which can be displayed if a variable was created to catch the error message.


A read or write timeout was triggered and the port was closed.

SerialPorts.EOL Table




The end of line is any sequence of any number of carriage return and/or linefeed characters. This is the appropriate choice if the protocol uses simply a carriage return as the end of message.


The end of the line is an optional carriage return, followed by a linefeed. (In other words, it is either a "\r\n" or a "\n".) This format is useful in parsing text-based Internet protocols, since the standards generally prescribe a "\r\n" line-terminator, but nonconformant clients sometimes use just "\n".


The end of a line is a single carriage return, followed by a single linefeed. (This is also known as "\r\n". The ASCII values are 0x0D 0x0A).


The end of a line is a single linefeed character. (This is also known as "\n". It is ASCII value is 0x0A.)


The end of line is a single byte with the value 0 — an ASCII NUL.


The end of line is defined by the string passed into the ReadLine() method.


Purpose:    Opens the serial port for reading and writing

Parameter: baudRate

Type: integer

Definition: The baud rate to use for sending and receiving data. Maximum baud rate is 230400


Type: integer

Definition: Optional - The number of data bits

Definition: 8 (default), 7


ser = SerialPorts[1]

ser:Open(9600) -- Opens serial port at 9600 baud.

Close( )

Purpose:    Closes the serial port.

Write( data )

Purpose:    Writes data to the socket. Raises error if serial port is not open or device hosting serial port is disconnected from network.

Parameter: data

Type: string

Definition: The data to send

Response:   error

Type: string

Definition: nil if open succeeded, otherwise a string representing the error


ser = SerialPorts[1]


e = ser:Write(“data out to serial port”)

if e then print(“error:”..e) end

Read( length )

Purpose:    Attempts to read up to 'length' bytes from serial buffer. Any bytes read are removed from the buffer.

Parameter: length

Type: integer

Definition: The number of bytes to read from the serial buffer.

Response:   data

Type: string

Definition: The data read from the socket. Nil if the buffer is empty

ser:Read( 10 ) --Receive up to 10 bytes of data.

ReadLine( EOL, <custom> )

Purpose:    Attempts to read a 'line' from the serial buffer. Retrieved data is removed from the buffer.

Parameter: EOL

Type: predefined constant

Definition: And of the defined EOL types. See definitions in EOL Table above.


Type: string

Definition: An optional EOL string used only with the 'Custom' EOL type.

Response:   data

Type: string

Definition: The data read from the socket. Nil if the read failed.

ser:ReadLine( CrLf ) --Receive data until a <CR><LF> or <LF> is reached

ser:ReadLine( Custom, '.') --Receive data until a period is reached

Search( str, [start_pos] )

Purpose:    Searches the serial buffer for string 'str' (starting at 'start_pos') and returns the index of where str is found

Parameter: str

Type: string

Definition: The string to search for

Response:   data

Type: integer

Definition: Nil if 'str' not found, otherwise the index of the first character of where the search string is found


ser = SerialPorts[1]

-- Assuming serial buffer contains 'all your base'

index = ser:Search('base') --Search for the sequence 'base'

-- index at this point would equal 10, which is the first character

-- of the found sequence


sp = SerialPorts[1]


sp.EventHandler = function( port, msg )

if msg == SerialPorts.Events.Data then

print( "read line", port:ReadLine(SerialPorts.EOL.Null))




data = "ABCDEFG\0"

idata = 1


Controls.Inputs[1].EventHandler = function()

if not sp.IsOpen then

sp:Open( 9600, 8, N )


local tx = string.sub(data, idata, idata)

print( "send", tx)

sp:Write( tx)

idata = idata + 1

if idata > #data then idata = 1 end



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